This is a nice gentle route about 7.5km in length with no significant climbs. We started in the main car park in Callander but were soon in the countryside in Central Scotland. The route started by taking us through pine forests brimming with wildlife, we saw plenty of birds and bugs in the trees and wild flowers.
Once we left the forest it was a short walk along some quiet roads until we me the Rob Roy way, giving us views over the valley and the local fish farms. Just over half way round we stopped at “The Lade Inn” for a pint of local beer. It turns out the inn has an excellent attached beer shop (ask at the bar if it is closed).
From there is was a walk through the fields, surrounded by rose hips, back to Callendar. It was during this stage the heavens opened and we got soaked through, so we sped up! Back to the car and then back to the holiday cottage to warm up with the beers we had lugged back from the shop!
It was a very pleasent walk with the bonus of the pub and beer shop which comes recommended! I am sure we came across more than three bridges though.